Sunday, February 6, 2011

Toulouse take 2

Today, I got out of my apartment and did something. I did something wonderfully entertaining which I will blog about in the morning after some sleep.

Right now, I want to take a moment to make a promise to myself and to anyone who reads this blog: I promise to make the most of my remaining time here.

I suppose that February to May sounds like plenty of time. Yet, when one counts the three weekends in March that I shall be traveling, the two weeks in April that I will be visiting the states, and the fact that my flight home leaves on the 26th of May...well really, aside from school during the week, I ONLY HAVE 10 FULL WEEKENDS here in Toulouse to get in as much as I can. 

So, from now until I leave, EVERY weekend I will do something new and exciting either here in Toulouse or close by. This will completely mess up my budget, which I'll also have to re-do in the morning, BUT I know that it will make me happy and create lots of fun memories of my second semester here. And it will give me new blog material!

~ Tam (excited for what next weekend will bring) in Toulouse !

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