Monday, November 8, 2010

Strike Some More Why Don't We?

It's after 2 a.m. I'm definitely supposed to be sleeping. Technically I have an 8 a.m. Latin class tomorrow....or do I?

After emailing my professors about missing their classes today in order to take the GRE, their replies explained that I'd missed nothing. "Le Mirail est en grève." My University has decided to go on strike again. Or rather the students have. Or maybe it's both. I'm honestly not sure. Apparently, last Thursday afternoon, the students blocked the doors to the academic buildings once more with tables, chairs, and desks.
I wouldn't know this because I have an 8 am literature course on Thursdays and no classes Thursday afternoon or Friday.

I'm American; I don't know how to handle strikes. Am I to trudge to class tomorrow morning to see if the University is still on strike? Or perhaps my duty lies in sleeping in a bit and getting some extra GRE literature studying done? There is supposedly a student meeting at noon to decided if the University re-opens...does that mean I will have afternoon classes? Or do classes restart Wednesday morning? And how does this affect our courses - we had ten course meetings left as of last week. Between the October strikes, the week of fall vacances  (fall break), and now the November strikes, I feel like exams in late December and early January are going to hit me hard.

~confused Tam in Toulouse

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