I realize that this blog gets happier and happier .... okay that's exactly the opposite of what I mean. But I can't help it. As I sit writing lists of words I'm supposed to learn for Latin (2 years' worth), going over my notes for my final paper on Salome, and attempting to memorize the morphologie from Ancient French to Modern French I get angrier and angrier. I'm angry because my notes don't match what's in my text book (even though they were copied exactly from the board). I'm angry because nothing makes sense no matter how many hours I study it.....I'm angry with everything....
And I don't know how to stop being angry or how to force it all to make sense either.
Did the homework? Yep.
Went to classes? Yep.
Went to 8 am Latin year 1 every week even though I wasn't enrolled? YES!
Asked pertinent questions? Yep.
Got help from classmates? Yep.
Looked at it in English online? Yep.
Made notecards? Yep.
Did samples and exercises? Yep.
Should pass the exams right? Kill me now (not literally).
I feel stuck in quicksand ... why not give it my best right? Continue flailing my arms and legs in an attempt to free myself.
~ Tam (mad at the world) in Toulouse
P.S. In case anyone still reads this, I promise to have happy posts from Christmas to New Year's.
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